In The Sky is a fascinating book that I spotted on Instagram recently. It’s all about how nature has inspired human designs and inventions over the years, from transportation to architecture, communication to energy creation. It’s one of those books that sucks you in: you intend to quickly dip in to it and then, suddenly, realise that you’ve been reading it for quite some time, spurred on from one interesting fact to the next. The illustrations are bold, bright and colourful and I particularly like the tech design-style endpapers (I’m not sure I’ve explained those accurately!).
I would say that it’s aimed at a middle grade audience (UK Key Stage 2), albeit there’s no reason why it couldn’t be shared with slightly younger children as the facts are all explained in an accessible way. It will definitely appeal to my 7-year-old as he loves reading about interesting facts linked to nature. If it doesn’t make an appearance at bedtime tonight, I’ll eat my hat…